Postcards and Postage

It seems as though postage is on the rise hourly. The postcard still remains a great deal postage wise. By creating a postcard with the image of your choice, (I like the idea of a photo of you and your fiance holding a sign with the date of your wedding.) you can drop them in the mail quickly and cheaply. I think everyone likes receiving a postcard, it's a quick read and always interesting.
Now postcards are available in various sizes, but remember that if you increase the size of the postcard you will increase the postage to that of a regular letter. Here is a fantastic step by step for creating your own DIY save the date postcards. Amazing Mail has nice templates for a great price. The postcard shown above was designed by artists at Sonicstef Designs. This is a great option if you are looking for custom work and want to tie your entire social paper set together.
If you are running a bit behind in getting the babies out head on over to Overnight Prints for a speedy solution. I am also a fan of the styling of work done by Funny Buggy clean and whimsical.
why not also try for cheap postcards and take note that they also have this mailing services at a very affordable prices... i've tried them before
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