An Engagement Story

Back in June 2008, Mr. Woodley Park decided that he wanted to marry me (of course-- he didn't tell me).
He bought me tickets to the Steelers/Colts game in Pittsburgh for my birthday and the game was planned for the weekend of November 8th (to avoid confusion, I'm a Pittsburgh Steelers junkie). Apparently, Mr. Woodley Park had a major plan, and had previously decided that he would propose while we were there.
The following was all a major shock for me. Of course I knew we were going to get married someday and we had discussed it, but I did not think that it was going to happen then-- or in Pittsburgh for that matter. Mr. Woodley Park was super sneaky and planned everything without me knowing a thing.
Mr. Woodley Park booked a room for two nights in one of the fanciest hotels in Pittsburgh, the Omni William Penn. I wasn't too surprised about this though since we needed somewhere to sleep while we were visiting.
The night before the Steelers game, Mr. Woodley Park let me pick where I wanted to eat dinner, and the answer was Sesame Inn. It's my absolute favorite Chinese restaurant in Pittsburgh and it's located right in Station Square. We walked around, bought a bunch of steelers gear (for me) and ate, and ate, and ate.
Mr. Woodley Park was cool as a cucumber throughout dinner. He was acting normally, drinking the local beer, and eating like a boy with a huge appetite. Not to mention the fact that he took a nap before we went out to dinner. Seriously, the boy was hours from proposing and slept like nothing was happening.
After dinner, Mr. Woodley Park mentioned that we should go up the incline to Mount Washington. I was more than happy to because it provides a gorgeous view of the city and my prom pictures were taken there back in high school.
We walked over to the balcony, took pictures, talked about how beautiful it was and then Mr. Woodley Park said, "Okay, are you ready to go?" The next thing I knew, I turned around to grab him and he was pulling something out of his pocket. Seconds later, he was down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I started freaking out, cried for about 1.25 seconds and then kept asking him if he was serious. I think I asked about 10 times before snatching the ring from him. The second thing out of my mouth was, "did you ask my dad?" He did, apparently dad was in on the entire thing for months.
It was so incredibly special and beautiful. After the proposal, we called our families and then looked at each other and said, "now what?" haha.
After celebrating via cell phone, Mr. Woodley Park told me the speech that he meant to say as he was down on one knee, but that he was too nervous to get out. Either that or he was distracted by me yelling, "you are kidding" over and over again.
Here's a picture of us riding the incline down, only minutes after getting engaged.

We still haven't stopped smiling that big-- and it's been almost 7 months!
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