These were a few of my favorite things...
With the wedding behind us, I feel like now I'm finally able to enjoy it.
I know how confusing this sounds. But what it comes down to is that it was kind of a whirlwind for me. So here's a recap of some of the things that I really enjoyed the most. And I guarantee that some of what I will mention will no doubt surprise you.
I know how confusing this sounds. But what it comes down to is that it was kind of a whirlwind for me. So here's a recap of some of the things that I really enjoyed the most. And I guarantee that some of what I will mention will no doubt surprise you.
- Stolen time - I won't go into all of the details here about how and why and what but as it happened, we ended up being a little ahead of schedule in making it to the reception. For this reason, husband and I were able to escape for a snitch of time together and do something that we always have loved to do - take a coffee break! Granted, I can't actually drink coffee but I did get something lovely to sip on and it was really cool to be able to have this "favorite" thing of ours be a part of the wedding even without us planning it. It honestly couldn't have made the day more perfect. AND(!) one of our two photographers was able to come along and captured it all for us to remember for alway!
- Hanging with my girls - One of the things that I was looking forward to the most was spending time with all of my friends and my nieces. I actually don't live near any of them and they all flew in or drove very long distances just to share in The Big Day. We had actually planned on a lot more time with them than what was had but even what I did get with them - manicures and pedicures, playing skee ball and arcade games, coloring on the floor with my niece up until the time I got into my dress and went down the aisle, laughing and dancing with them all at the reception - was just what I hoped for.
- The vows - This might come to a surprise to people but I actually get very nervous when it comes to being in front of people or crowds. I don't know what it is. Perhaps it's just looking out and seeing everyone? It's not been so bad that it's kept me from doing very public things in my life (read: like, being on TV *haha*) as I basically just try and ignore as much of the "hoopla" as possible. Well... the whole bit of taking such private *at least to me* things as vows in front of even my close friends and family had me a little nervous. Luckily, husband and the pastor knows this about me and positioned me just right so that when we said our "I Do's" and exchanged our rings, it really did feel like it was just us and no one else was there.
- The last dance - We had planned on dancing to "God blessed the broken road" by Rascal Flats because it's really illustrative of what we've both gone through to find each other. For whatever reason though, the song was not working to play for the DJ!!! We ended up dancing to another song that was on our song list anyway and it ended up being more perfect than what we originally planned. Dancing and singing the song "To make you feel my love" by Garth Brooks couldn't have been a more perfect way to end The Big Day. Definitely I'll remember our first dance but it's the last dance that really was "it" for me.
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