
Thursday, June 05, 2008

The Other Side of Yellow

If you've been planning your wedding anytime in the last year then you are surely familiar with the bio of knottie SpringChic. Hers was the wedding that launched a thousand yellow & black themed nuptials throughout the country. And it was featured in pretty much every wedding blog...over...and over...and over again. Brides everywhere have copied her entire wedding wholesale.

And with good reason....it was fun, it was fresh, it was simple, it was modern....it's pretty much the perfect wedding. But the other day I ran across the below images from the wedding of Ellen and Caro on the Next Exit photography blog and thought it was a great example of what two different brides can do with the same space to create a different vibe.

Obviously both celebrations took place at at the Viceroy in Palm Springs. And the one thing both brides did right was work with their venue and not against it. Yellow is a key component of the design charm at the Viceroy and if they had tried to ignore it or work around it, it would have been expensive and probably unsuccessful.

Springchic used black and white as accent colors which really made the yellow vibrant and alive. Ellen and Caro used brown as an accent color which I think added a warmth to the wedding. Springchic had two gowns...both beautiful and structured which created a modern vibe while Ellen had a beautiful, unstructured, yellow Jenny Yoo gown which gave a soft and casual feel to the wedding.

I know when I was planning I loved seeing what other brides did with my venue...though none of them had the same look I was going for it was great to see how one bride's vision could transform the same space.

All photos below credited to Next Exit Photography

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Blogger Lara said...

I have to say I am a HUGE fan of this wedding! (and the Viceroy!) Jasmine* just did a fabulous day-after shoot there using the yellow chairs. What a spectacular venue. And great advice on choosing the venue, not assigning it!

Thursday, June 05, 2008 2:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OVER AND OVER is right. BUT I loved Ellen's choices verses springblah's, sadly a miss in my opinion. Did you see the wallpaper bridesmaid dresses? But I have to give some credit to those creative west coast brides. Shhhh.... but it must have been a budget issue.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this wedding. Next Exit does fantastic work, so this was a match made in heaven! Gorgeous!

And to the previous poster who was clever enough to call springchic, "springblah" - I'd like to apologize. My reasons for getting married did not include being overexposed on the internet. I am flattered that some brides found something inspiring in my wedding, and I'm fine that you didn't like it.

Come on, wedding blogs are for inspiration, not for condescension. Your catty behavior is indicative to your lack of social grace. Isn't that what you east-coasters pride yourself on?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 6:19:00 PM  

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