
Monday, December 29, 2008

It's Personal....

So first of all, I want to give a HUGE congratulations to my future brother in law and his brand new fiance, on their recent engagement! I am so excited to have them in my life, and wish them all the luck and happiness in the world!!! Congrats Drew and Dia! Congrats to all the other recently engaged couples too, I know at least 3 couples that got engaged last week, so love is in the air!!!

Anyways, I wanted so discuss personalizing your wedding. Its very difficult to make your wedding stand out, and to also make sure it represents you, your relationship and the your family. For our wedding, Mr. CP and I wanted to add some fun details.
The first, and possibly most exciting thing we did was rent a photobooth. We paid a bit extra for the guestbook, and attendants too, so the booth will print doubles and one copy will go to the guests. We used an affordable local vendor, Posh Booth. We worked with Neil, who was very helpful in explaining the options and a pleasure to work with. We can't wait to see all the fun people have with this extra! Best of all, the price for the photobooth is reasonable and totally worth it!


We also wanted to incorporate Mr. CP's love for baseball, which is almost equal to his love for me...seriously. Were thinking about having the bartenders wear SF Giants baseball hats to represent Eric's love, but at the same time, I am not totally sold on it. One baseball-theme we are definitely doing is our cake topper. I found a website that makes personalized bobblehead cake toppers! How fun is that! You actually send pictures in!


What ideas do you have for personalizing your wedding? Everyone needs ideas, so please share!

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Blogger AmyJean {Relentless BrideĀ®} said...

Congrats to your FBIL!!!


Monday, January 05, 2009 9:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Monday, January 05, 2009 10:05:00 PM  
Blogger Bsam said...

Hey Miss Cleveland, I got married in september ( i use to blog on here) and i also used poshbooth..my husband originally fought with me thinking it was a "waste' but i knew it would be great and it was, our guests LOVED it, there was a line all night, and the photo album afterwards was so worth it, you get to keep one copy of each print, its a great investment! As for baseball..my husband..also eric go figure, has the same love, so i had a groom cake made that was a baseball mound with a baseball and everything and his baseball teams hat and logo ( all made of cakee) it was great i reccomend it! congrats on everything!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009 11:03:00 AM  

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