Showered with Love!
Everthing is so real now! We have 34 days until the big show and yesterday I had my first experience feeling all bride-y. I attended my shower which took place in Mechanicsville, Va and it was fantastic! Here are a few highlights:

We played some really fun games that made all of the guests get up and mingle. The first game really set the tone. The guests were asked to walk around and find someone that they do not know that has attributes listed on their checklist. It allowed the guest to meet one another in a cool way. We also played the "make a wedding dress out of toliet paper" game, my absolute bridal shower favorite:-D

Give me cupcakes and gifts and I am one happy girl!

My cousins and bride's attendants from home did an awesome job setting everything up. It was so classy and elegant. They used some of our wedding colors and really took my personality into consideration.
As you can see, Mr. President made a special appearance. He loves our family and pops up at all of our functions (Thanksgiving, showers, etc...)...hmm...wonder if he will make a special appearance at the wedding...
At the end, I got to open all of my presents (Aw Yeah!)
We got mini-us' as gifts from my other set of bride's attendants. They are absolutly awesome and the cutest things ever! Great time, great friends and mini-me's...what a lucky girl I am!

Labels: Bridal Shower, cake topper, Miss Glen Echo
wow what an awesome shower!
btw, not sure if you already knew this, but I heard if you send an invitation to the Obamas, you will get a note of congrats back from them. we keep forgetting to do this but we plan to soon.
Hmm...I wonder if its too late to do that? I might have to send them one officially...
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