The Cupcake.

I think it's absolutely ridiculous for any establishment to charge you cake cutting fees. I understand they want you to purchase a cake from them, but how about the venues that don't even offer cake!!
But I digress... While I do think cupcakes are a fantastic way to stick it to the venue that won't waive the cake cutting fee, these little babies are wonderful in their own right, I highly recommend checking out Baked and Wired for these yummies or have Robyn Savage of Le Cupcake deliver them for you. (703-533-8989)
Dude... cake cutting fees exist because it takes a lot of work to properly cut a cake and serve it. If you have someone that will offer to do it for free, lucky you.
I've done the cutting service for free at a few weddings, and I can say that the people who charge a fee to do that for a stranger deserves the money.
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