
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fall Frenzy

Ok! I am quite excited to join this group and dish on all things wedding!

Essential Details:
Current Professional Status: Law Student
Anticipated Wedding Date: Fall 2007
Wedding Preparations: Minimal
Level of Stress: Quite high

So, you've got the basics, let's get down to the nitty gritty.

Let's just say that I have a few qualities that may not always lend themselves to stress-free wedding planning. I'm a perfectionist and I want my hand in every pot. I admit it.

Knowing this about myself, I have used one of my more "wedding-friendly" skills: organization, to map out a plan that will make my wedding planning as stress free as possible. This is the schema: Take on the projects you a) truly, truly enjoy or b) truly, truly would die, die, die if it went wrong – and do them yourself. You delegate (another “wedding-friendly” skill) the rest. So, far it has worked like a charm. Of course, need I remind you, current wedding preparations status: Minimal.

Right now, there are two pressing issues on the horizon. First, we must find a venue. And not just any venue, I might add. A venue that can accommodate 400 people seated, and will allow us to use our own caterers. Not a small feat, but a challenge I must assume. Final result so far: The Galleria in D.C. We are giving it until the end of the month to make a final decision. In the meantime I would definitely welcome any suggestions!!!

The second issue we are currently dealing with is the planning of our family introductions. We are having a small get together so that our families can introduce themselves to one another. In both of our cultures, marriage is seen as the union of two families, not just two individuals, so it is important for our families to get to know one another before the marriage takes place. But, the logistics!! His family will be coming to my hometown to meet my family. And low-and-behold, I have utilized my first instance of delegation. I have let my mother and aunt plan the whole thing. Too much delegation you think? I sat and thought about it for awhile. And I thought: it’s a family party - will I die, die, die, if it goes wrong? No. Major Progress.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is that everyone gets to know one another and they enjoy themselves. And I can live with it if the invitations (yes, invitations! What was supposed to be a small, casual affair, has ballooned to about 50 people respite with invitations….still casual mind you, just a wee bit larger than anticipated) go out sight unseen by me. I feel a newfound state of what I like to call, delegation Zen, (otherwise known as “DiZzy”), if you will, (or maybe just the effects from the Theraflu I’ve been taking all week).

And with this newfound inner calm, and the utmost of energy, I will proceed to the next wedding project on my list (Oh, did I mention I have a chart with a strict timeline that has me finishing all things wedding by January?) Hah! We’ll save that little timeline for another discussion….

Next step: wedding invitations. Ultimate control: Do it Yourself. Delegation possibilities: Minimal.


Blogger Nunzia said...

good to know i'm not the only struggling law student on here trying to have it all!

Monday, September 18, 2006 8:16:00 AM  

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