Taking it to a whole new level
Her name is Amelia and she was born on June 10 at 9:11PM after a VERY long day of hard labor and she weighed 7lbs 4oz and measured 19.5 inches long. Mr. Bowie and I are thrilled and in love with her and she will no doubt end up being the ultimate culmination of our first year as newlyweds - even with it only having just started just months ago!
Thank you so much for having me here as a DCNearlywed. Take care, everyone and enjoy your wedding planning adventures while they last.
All the best,
The "Bowies"
omg she's gorgeous!!! i was just wondering the other day how things turned out. You're so lucky...she's a doll.
Talk about going full circle. Best of EVERYTHING to you and the Mr! You shall forever remain Queen Nearlywed!! She is a stunner!
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