
Saturday, September 13, 2008

We interrupt your wedding planning for this brief message ...

Posting from the former capitol of the Confederacy: Richmond, VA!! I'm here staying with one of my best friends from childhood. I'm so glad we were able to stay close, maybe even get closer, once we both went off to our separate colleges. Last night we went out with a couple of her friends and today we plan on doing some serious shopping and talking about wedding planning stuff now that I've officially asked her to be in my wedding party!

We've briefly covered who else I may be asking and wedding music. However, I will be completely content to talk about stuff not wedding related, too. I decided that instead of talking with more potential photographers in the C-vill / Richmond area, I'd take a brief respite from wedding planning to maintain some semblance of a "normal" life. I already feel like I'm being consumed by wedding planning and I am going to try my best to maintain a sense of balance. Does anyone else feel like they need to try to do this? Do you ever take breaks from wedding stuff and just focus on your life as a couple or your life before you were engaged?


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