
You do know the Broke-Ass Bride, right? She of the ridiculously cool and funny wedding video, not to mention the great blog? Well, she has a new venture - and it's something that can save you money!
I love, love this idea. Bride$hare is a "networking" style site where you can share wedding items, and maybe more importantly, the cost of wedding items. So just the other day I wrote about my desire for lots of milk glass vases in our centerpieces. Here's how it would work - when I'm sure that's what I want to do, I can find another bride who wants the same thing. Then we work out a way to share the items and the cost. Maybe I buy them and sell them to her after my wedding. Maybe we split the cost of buying them, both use them, then resell them and split the profits. Maybe I just go ahead and buy them and then post them for resale on the Bride$hare boards. There are so many possibilities! Whatever way we do it, the goal is to save money, help ourselves and other brides have great weddings for less, and go a little greener in our planning by reducing waste.
Sound great? Here's what you should do: 1) sign up for Bride$hare, 2) befriend me on the site! (I'm Lysandramarie), 3) join the DC Metro Area group, 4) start sharing and saving!
What an awesome idea!!
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