
Friday, August 11, 2006

DIY Cake - Sorta

Well, after going through the tasting process, I've decided that Creative Cakes is the bakery vendor for moi!

Each piece screamed MOIST, FRESH, and most of all DELICIOUS!

I truly recommend them from the deepest morsels of their wedding cakes to the light touches for teas, luncheons, bridal showers and birthday parties you may be celebrating...I'm so pleased

Since, I really wanted something different for my cake, I decided to draw to scale the cake I really wanted and allow the baker to base the final design of the proposed drawing...

Here's what I came up with:

Let me know your thoughts, I'll post the real-life inspiration next, but this design came from a conceptual idea of having both squre and round tiers combined, because I simply couldn't decide -


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a value standpoint, I think theere are better cake vendors out there.
at $4 per slice to start without a filling from Creative Cakes, there are a number of other options out there like Alexandria Pastry shop and the Watergate Pastry Shop just for starters, their flavors are a lot more creative and the cakes come with fillings!!

Monday, August 14, 2006 8:17:00 PM  

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