
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Introducing Mr. and Miss GWU

Greetings NearlyWeds!!!

I recently became engaged on May 15th, which also happened to be my graduation day from GW. However, this is not the reason for our pseudonyms :P. While we live in DC now, Mr. and Miss GWU originally started out in New Jersey. Coming down to DC for college, I met Mr. GWU my sophomore year of undergrad. He had already graduated. Mr. GWU's younger brother introduced us to each other one low key Friday night and you could say it was butterflies at first sight. From there, we went on to date for 4 years, which brings us to here and now. The engagement was beautiful. He surprised me with dinner at Charlie Palmer Steakhouse. The meal was delicious and I had to say, the entire night I was gradually getting more and more suspicious as the serving staff continued to dote on us throughout the night. You name it: complimentary dishes, personal escort to the little girls' room, visits from the general manager - it was there and it was fishy! At the end of our meal, the manager came over and offered to take us up to the rooftop. We rode up 11 flights of stairs and emerged onto a beautiful roof terrace overlooking the Capitol, the Potomac, and just miles and miles of gorgeous DC on a toasty, spring night. The backdrop was all there. Then, Mr. GWU dropped down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course, the answer was a great big teary-eyed YES!

So now, we are wading into wedding planning waters. I have my Knot subscription and Real Simple Wedding Guide ready to go. Fortunately, Mr. GWU is a true partner in this process and contacted over 40 venues thus far to look at proposals and photos. Once I finish a few lingering graduate class credits, we will have more time to go visit these venues. Ideally, we are looking at early summer (June or July) most likely in Northern Virginia. DC tax is no joke. But who knows? If a venue in DC is simply "the one," we might be willing to eat ramen for a year to save enough. Stay tuned :)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's nice!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 4:24:00 AM  
Blogger Only One Heidi said...

welcome to the nearlyweds and best wishes on your engagement!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 8:51:00 AM  
Blogger Krista said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!This is so exciting :)
I just want to let you know about Weddzilla.com! I'm an intern here and we are launching a new site very soon and we hope you register and hopefully Weddzilla can help you find all the vendors you want in the DC area, we are even based in Nova! Check it out and keep in mind we are launching a new site very soon and it's going to be really cool!

Again, congratulations and I hope you two are so happy and the wedding planning goes smooth :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! How romantic!!! He gave you a view, and all you could look at was him on one knee. lol. That's wonderful. I can't wait to hear how all of your planning goes!!!


Thursday, June 18, 2009 9:45:00 PM  

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