
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Mission: Buff Bride

I've been on "Mission: Buff Bride" for a few months now. For a while, I was doing really well at getting my tush to the gym but lately? I've been slacking. (That Diet Coke addiction of mine isn't helping anything either...)

For those of you who don't know, I'm probably one of the LAZIEST marathon runners ever. I ran marathon #3, a 10k and a 10 mile race in the matter of a month - setting personal records in all three, leaving me beyond pleased. Unfortunately, I didn't train nearly as hard as I should have (I never do...) so I kind of set myself up for minor injuries. After the marathon which was Memorial Day weekend up in Vermont, I got lazy. I hurt my knee a little and well...stopped working out altogether with the exception of yoga.

So I recruited a friend. You see, I work at a gym here on Capitol Hill part time so I know many of the trainers. Yesterday, after my morning shift, I recruited a trainer pal of mine to give me some tips because "I want to look good in my wedding gown" as every girl does.

For the next two and a half months, I will be at the gym 5 days per week, either doing yoga or cardio/strength training. I've been doing yoga pretty regularly since the marathon sadly without much improvement (I fell over during a half moon pose yesterday...it was...dare I say, embarrassing)

What's my plan?
20 minutes of cardio (warmup)
3 sets of 10 pushups on a bosu ball
3 sets of 10 squats on a bosu ball
3 sets of 10 bicep curls using 10lb kettle bell (balancing on one leg)
3 sets of 10 rows (with 10lb kettle bell)
3 sets of 10 swings (with 10lb kettle bell...it's a squat type move where you thrust hips and swing a kettle bell into the air to shoulder height)
3 sets of 10 T's. Though I'm sure that's not what they're called, it's lifting my arms out into a T holding the 10lb kettle bells.

I'll be sticking to this for about 4 weeks and from there we'll modify to make it harder for the last month or so.

Not to mention, the 3 days/week I work at the gym, I teach 15 minute abs classes so that certainly won't hurt anything either!

I can tell you, we had an hour workout yesterday - my trainer pal and I - then I went to an hour long yoga class...and oh.my.god.

I'm fairly certain if I stick to this, my gown will look fab.

What did you do to get in shape for your wedding gown?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

circuit training and pilates=my wedding workout. It's more to tone than to shed pounds. As I get closer to the wedding, I feel like i'm getting lazier so I am searching for new motivation.

Your workout sounds great. If only I was as dedicated!

Thursday, July 02, 2009 10:33:00 AM  
Blogger Only One Heidi said...

@miss charleston - yeah i'm more trying to tone than lose weight. I do like pilates but have found that i like yoga a bit more - though both are equally great for runners.

Thursday, July 02, 2009 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try to end that Diet Coke addiction, there is something about aspartame that messes with your brain and eating sweets.... I was addicted to Diet Coke too - I was able to end it by using Diet Kola Capsules and soda water for a while. All the good stuff in the drink, but in a pill. No aspartame and no caramel, so my brain and teeth are in better shape for my wedding pictures! see www.dietkola.com

Thursday, July 02, 2009 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger Miss Fairfax said...

thanks for the tips! I've started biking to work occasionally (11 miles each way), and theoretically I'm training for the marine corps marathon this fall (I'm a bit behind in my training woooops), but I am a bit worried about staying in shape through the winter months up to my March 20th wedding.. I am notoriously lazy in the winter. I'm thinking of signing up for kickboxing, there's a place in Courthouse I've been eyeing..

Monday, July 06, 2009 10:58:00 AM  

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