Neato Table Number Idea

Good morning and happy Monday.
Just saw this neat table number project via DIY Bride and thought I'd pass it along. You can find the full tutorial over at Firefly Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties. I always love a great idea for reusing plastic bags!
Although I'm still not sold on the whole table numbering thang.. There are great arguments on both sides, I really can't decide which way is best for us to do it. It makes a lot of sense just to have a few tables reserved so the grandparents have a good table and you know, the bride & groom have a good table, and then the rest can fend for themselves.. BUT I still like the idea of assigning tables for everyone. GAH decisions...
Being that we're in The Season, any new readers out there newly engaged? I'm coming up on the anniversary of our engagement, very strange how fast the year went by. Last February it seemed like 2010 would never arrive..
Labels: DIY, engagement season?, Miss Fairfax, table numbers
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