
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Third Time MIGHT Be The Charm...

Okay, now I have been obsessed with this DIY Save the Date nonsense for faaaaaaaaaaar too long....and this is IT!!!

I liked the idea suggested by one of the Weddingbee readers who commented on my second try that the project might look even better in a circle; so I decided to give it a try.

I will take this template to Kinko's to be professionally cut -- no way in hades I am trying to circle punch on my own.

Well, I am pleased with the results, but this is it -- Forever*Hubby has gently suggested that if this one does not satisfy me, I might want to look into a service to provide me with these things -- or I may not make it to the ceremony....

Here we go folks...click image to see actual size...

Circle Save The Date cards

Also noted by Forever*Hubby -- "A circle? What the hell are we going to do, put cork on the back and turn it into a coaster for them?"

See why I just HAVE to marry him all over again?

Again -- feedback appreciated...


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