
Friday, July 13, 2007

I need another DIY project like I need.....

I was perusing my usual wedding haunts when I came across instructions for a DIY project that I had been contemplating: making a whimsical cake stand.

The rational side of me says your current DIY projects have taken over whatever wedding sanity I have left, yet I continue to contemplate this latest idea. What is it you ask?

Cake stands!
Awhile back I thought it would have been fun to create my own wedding stand. I could make something really unique and fun. But, alas with a month and a half to go, and more pressing enterprises like creating my wedding programs afoot, I think I may have to leave this one for someonelse's wedding. *sigh*


Blogger Rebecca said...

I know this is an old post, but I'm actually interested in making my own cake stands. For my upcoming wedding, each table will have its own wedding cake as the centerpiece. Any info you can share would be great. Thanks

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 4:09:00 PM  

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