Sugar Paper Discount - 25% Off
So you get engaged and suddenly you have more paper needs then you've ever had in your entire life. Save the Dates, Invitations, Menus, Place cards, Thank-you cards, Change of Address cards, Stationery with your new name (for after the wedding!), Christmas cards from the "both" of you, and your mom and maid of honor want to know what you want your engagement party and shower invitations to look like. Never mind that before your wedding you couldn't even name a paper store much less been in one.
Well you might not cave in and get all the "must haves" but if you're looking for some paper get 25% off at Sugar Paper with code DCSUGAR. Thanks to Daily Candy.

^Letterpress Stationery with your new married name
^Change of Address cards because you gave your place up, or he gave up his, or because both of you did
^Chocolate Branch Thank You cards from Snow & Graham
Reindeer Christmas Cards from Hello! Lucky
Well you might not cave in and get all the "must haves" but if you're looking for some paper get 25% off at Sugar Paper with code DCSUGAR. Thanks to Daily Candy.

^Letterpress Stationery with your new married name
^Change of Address cards because you gave your place up, or he gave up his, or because both of you did

^Chocolate Branch Thank You cards from Snow & Graham

Reindeer Christmas Cards from Hello! Lucky
Labels: Invitations
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