
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's Coming!

The January 08 issue of the Washingtonian hits stands next week. It's the best issue of the year in my opinion. So why should you care? Two reasons

1) The list of the areas best restaurants is released every January. Last year, for the first time, they started numerically ranking the restaurants instead of just providing a general list. I like the list because you often find hidden gems you've never heard of. Many of the places are pretty expensive, but there are some bargains and if you're going to splurge on a meal (and you really should treat yourself at least once a year) then you know which restaurant is the best investment for your money. Don't focus too much on #1 vs. #2...on any given night they all could be #1.

2) January is always the Wedding Guide issue! They usually publish a mini guide in June as well, but January is "mother list" time. Lists of the areas best vendors (as nominated by area residents)- from flowers to cake to planners to music, you name it, it's there. Once again many of these vendors are more on the expensive side, but there are also many deals and many up-incomers who aren't that expensive...yet. If anything I love looking through the vendors listed just to get ideas and inspiration. To get an idea you can check out last year's guide. My guess is the Washingtonian Wedding Guide for 2008 won't have changed all that much from last year.

I have a subscription but if you don't want to fork out the cash, that's o.k. because the Washingtonian publishes both these lists online.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great information, thanks for sharing!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 7:19:00 PM  

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