In an earlier post, I shared the love for an up-and-coming wedding photographer, Punam Bean. I had the pleasure of meeting her in person last week in New York City where she's based, and thought initially that she couldn't get any better than the impression she makes on paper. I was happily proven wrong.
Punam, first off, is extremely patient. I planned to meet her at noon at a coffee shop near the building I was working in, but work got crazy at the last minute, and I was one hour, count them, SIXTY minutes late. It may have been more, and at this point I can't even remember because I was running down sixth avenue close to tears. So finally, I meet her, a smiling Punam Bean on the corner of some busy street. She wasn't even phased by my extreme lateness and if she was, I never would have known.
The second quality I liked about Punam was that she asked tons of questions about my future hubby and how we met, etc. She just kind of let me go nuts with wedding details, obviously a woman after my own heart.
But what I liked most about her is that she's the type of person you could be friends with. That being said, the fact that I got that vibe from her is a true testament that she really does care about who you are and what you're saying; that you're not just one bride in more than 50 she'll meet that year. She doesn't rattle off tidbits about this or that bride that she photographed, it's this and that
friend...with a
story...and a
name. Punam has this wide, happy smile that managed to cure most of my nervousness...and she hugged me goodbye.
So, the choice has been made. Punam will be the master behind the camera for our wedding!!! :)
And just for fun, some of my favs!